Art Pints

Art Pints

Art Pints is series of free relaxed and informal events including talks, workshops, creative chit-chat nights and get togethers.

The events highlight creatives and creative organisations in Aberdeen and beyond - to discuss what they do and inspire others over a pint! It’s a chance to get together, chat and connect our communities – which we believe is greatly important.

Next Event:

// Monday 9 October 2023 //


Previous events:



Join us for a pint and conversation with our inspiring speakers about what a Creative Hub means to them.

This is a relaxed event to catch up, chat to others and share your views on what our city needs.

Libby Curtis - Gray’s School of Art

Kirsten Body - Circus Artspace, Inverness
Allan Watson -
Deemouth Artist Studios

Thu 2 Feb 2023 // 6.00 - 9.00pm


This Art Pints event talked about what a creative hub could be, what could it look like, what it takes to catalyse one, who do we need to see and hear from more to create change and what the role of the creative community is in the city.


Thu 13 April 2023 // 6.00 - 9.00pm



This Art Pints event talked about what it takes to create a Creative Community, discussing what conditions allow a Creative Community to succeed and thrive, what are the obstacles, what are the risks involved, and any other insight about how to facilitate a Creative Community. 


Wed 22 March 2023 // 6.00 - 9.00pm


This Art Pints event talked about artist-led organisations - how are these spaces initiated, how important permanent or temporary status is, and what role the creative spaces play in supporting creative communities.


Wed 17 May 2023 // 6.00 - 9.00pm